Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shadows on the wall.....

Turns out, the flowers turned out to be very useful photo subjects. For our last assignment, Light and Shadows, I played with different lighting on my dried out roses. No, I'm not making a statement with the flowers. I like dried out flowers. I don't know why, I just always have. It's that simple.

[insert pictures here]
The settings that I used on my camera for these pictures were (respectively):

While I was outside taking the pictures with less exposure, I noticed something moving on the branch next to me, I took a closer look and saw a bug that looked exactly like the very hungry caterpillar, from the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". So of course I had to take a picture of him too! I really liked how well lit the picture turned out.

[insert picture here]
The settings that I used on my camera for this picture was:

Monday, April 20, 2009

One might call them.....Photo boosters

Another weekend past, another week beginning.

After taking this many pictures in class and outside of class there are 2 things that I think would be a solid investment if I were to continue with photography: a tripod and a bigger lens. Aka, photo boosters, or something that boosts the quality of my photos. Currently I have a Canon Rebel and it is absolutely wonderful. I only recently got it and so I am still (technically) learning how to use it. I've learned a lot with it over the past few months, and I've read up on what its different functions are, but I think that until I find a subject that I really enjoy and use those functions in that way, I probably won't remember them all quite yet. However, I think a bigger lens would be great because then I would be able to get a bigger zoom than I have now (Right now I own the default lens that comes with the camera). And a tripod is a must. Turns out that my hands shake a lot while I take pictures, which is interesting because I always thought that I had rather steady hands. It takes a couple of tries (even when I place my camera on a stable surface) to take a decent photo if I want something with a longer exposure, which can be frustrating if I'm trying to take several photos that way.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

One year older already?

Today is actually my birthday (thank god that those changes can not yet be captured on film), so I did not want to really blog (or do anything pertaining to school), but I did want to mention that my parents sent me flowers and I think that they will make for great pictures in the coming weeks. I'm hoping to take good pictures of them in when they have not bloomed yet, when they are in their prime, when I hang them up to dry, and when they are dried. I really do like dried flowers. Those could make good sequence photos, but that project was already turned in, so I'll see what else I can use them for.

Time to get started!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

Over Easter weekend I took photos during the time that I was with my family and was able to get some really great shots. I won't post them here for the sake of their privacy, but I feel that they came out pretty well and especially colorful.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pasting pictures isn't as easy as it used to be....

So, for my sequence photo project I was able to get different angled photos of my friend serving, and I also was able to get a good close up of her racket, a good perspective shot of the net, and some really great shots of her serving. I took a total of about 200 pictures and eventually narrowed it down to seven. I had to lay down on the ground to get this angle on her serve, but in the end I think the shot was worth feeling that hot pavement. I made sure to zoom in enough so that she was THE main focus of the photo, but I also wanted to make sure that she didn't overwhelm it too much either, and I think I achieved the proper balance that I wanted here. Some other things that I like about this photo are the clear blue sky behind her, which makes her stand out even more than if there were to be clouds. And I also like the fact that her racket and hand are just ever so slightly blurred to show that there is, in fact, a motion going on there.

The settings that I used on my camera for this photo were:

I also posted this picture of the net because I just happened to like the angle that I got on it. It really elongates the net to the fullest extent, and the court is just a background instead of the foreground as it usually is. When you look at a tennis court what is the first thing you notice? The actual court itself. So I thought that I would take a picture where the net is the main focus because, when it comes down to it, the net is a very important part of the game. And (fun fact coming up) in my experience coaching, when someone loses a point, 7 out of 10 times it is because they hit the ball into the net.

The settings that I used on my camera for this photo were:

I think that the hardest part now is going to be how to mount the photos so that they look good and make a statement. Really draw attention to itself.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Where do all the cameras point?

My creativity has finally come crawling back to me. I say crawling because I still think that I could probably think of something better for my sequence project, however, this is still a good idea. I will shoot photos of someone playing tennis. My goal is going to be to try to get them in the same motion from different angles (from below, birds-eye-view, right, left, across the court). I'm definitely going to work with pictures of someone serving because that is the most dynamic shot in the game of tennis.

It sets up the point and the pace the game. Not to mention, when someone is winning a match during the pro circuit, all cameras are on them while they're serving.Note the cameras here in this photograph. (And check out those lens!)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where oh where did my creativity go?

I was finally able to get some great pictures today for my sequence project!!

Just kidding. Happy April Fools!

All jokes aside, I can't seem to find my creativity for my sequence photo project.