Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Beginning...

This was our first assignment, and for our first assignment, we were told to work and experiment with our shutter speed and aperture on our cameras.

So I decided that my first picture would be of moving cars on Highway 281. I had seen many pictures of cities with blurred car lights and wanted to try and duplicate it myself. One of the biggest problems that I ran into on this photo was trying to keep the camera steady enough so as to not blur the background as well.
I used the following settings on my camera to take this photograph: The ISO was 1600, aperture was f/22, with no flash.

This photo of the dorms and the Trinity tower was particularly interesting to take. I had to set my aperture and shutter speed at a very exact setting to get a clear picture. I also had to hold very still. What I liked about this photo is that the tower is lit up in the background, and even though it is night time and the only lights are the ones that are lighting up the tower or coming from the dorms, there are still shadows in the picture. I also really liked that half of the tower is in the dark, yet you can still see the outline of it. It was difficult for me to take the photo well, because I had a hard time keeping the camera still for it detected every movement.
I used the following settings on my camera to take this photograph: The ISO was 1600, the aperture was f/5.6 and there was no flash. And white balance was on auto.

I had a lot of fun on this assignment when I was experimenting with the different shutter speeds on my camera. It was fun to change the shutter speed by just a little bit and see how much it would change the photographs.

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