Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How do YOU see others?

For this assignment we had 2 options and I chose the option that allowed me to take portraits. I did this because short of taking candid photos I usually don't take pictures of people. This first picture (above) is of my friend Alita, who kindly consented to let me take pictures of her while she worked on her art. Which eventually led me to get to the theme of "Art" for this set of pictures. For the picture above, we had already been taking some pictures, and I had done a lot of them while she was working (see below) and I decided that I wanted one of her looking at the camera and smiling. I decided not to get her straight on, but from the side, because I wanted to incorporate her drawing stance, and some of her art supplies and the paper she was drawing on. One problem that I encountered with her was her pale skin. This is a bigger problem when printing than anything else, but it was interesting to work with.
The settings on my camera for this photograph were: The ISO was 400, the aperture was f/4.5, the flash was not used, and I used the portrait setting on my camera.

This picture of Alita was taken while she was working on her art. The reason that I liked this photo was of the way that the light hit her from behind her hat. Also, I felt that this lighting gave her skin some tone and really brought out the color of her hair.
The settings that I used on my camera for this photograph were: The ISO was 800, the aperture was set at f/5.6, and I did not used the flash. White balance was on an automatic setting.

I actually took this pictures of myself in the mirror. Originally I was just taking pictures for fun when I realized that I could catch a picture of the reflection that shows in the camera lens. I was trying to get a picture of myself reflected in the camera lens, but in the end that didn't work out very well, but I was able to get a picture of my camera in reflected in my camera's lens.
The settings that I used on my camera to get this photo were: The ISO was 800, the aperture was f/5, and I did not use a flash. White balance was on automatic.


  1. Honey, I loved your Blog, Congratulations! Excuse my poor English ... kisses, Keli
